-:Return, Refund and Cancellation Policy:-
Easy Cancellations Before Dispatch:
You can cancel your order any time before ship of your item. Just follow these extremely simple steps. Log into your account on our website / mobile website. Choose the item on the MY ORDERS page, click on ‘Cancel’ button and you are done or call our customer care!
7 Days Easy Return Policy:
Our Easy Returns Policy makes it very easy to return or replace an item. Just log into your account on our website / mobile website within 7 days of delivery of the item. Choose the item on the MY ORDERS page, click on ‘Return’ tab and that’s it. Please return your item in its original packaging with all tags, papers and bags and in UNUSED CONDITION. Return is chargeable for every customer, both side shipping charges and cash on delivery charges will be apply (forward ₹ 85 + reverse ₹ 150 for every 500 Gram + COD charge ₹ 50 or 2.5% of your shipment value, which will be higher) as describe by our shipping partner. charges can be increase according to location and product weight.
Return / Replacement Criteria Issue (Inform us in 24 Hours After Delivery):
- Item is physically damaged/defective.
- Varies from the description.
- Wrong item delivered.
- Wrong colour.
- Wrong style.
- Wrong size.
- Wrong quantity.
- Missing parts/accessories.
In case the replacement item is out of stock, we will refund your amount.
TapShree will deduct forward and reverse shipping cost ₹ 190 in the following cases:-
- Incorrect delivery address or mobile number.
- After 3 failed delivery attempts by the courier company.
- Package refused by recipient.
No refunds will be given in the following cases:-
- Products returned after use.
- Products arrived to TapShree office in damaged condition when customer opts to courier by themselves.
- Package has been lost in transit when customer opts to courier by themselves.
100% Payment Protection By TapShree:
Not satisfied with your purchase? Facing an issue with your item? Get 100% payment protection on your purchases.
Refund Modes:
We will initiate refund to the following modes once your item is received by us:
Payment mode: Credit card/ Debit card/ Prepaid Payment Instrument
Refund mode options: Credit card/ Debit card/ Prepaid Payment Instrument
Payment mode: Bank Account through net banking
Refund mode options: Bank account through net banking
Payment mode: Cash on Delivery*
Refund mode options: NEFT to Bank account, UPI, Paytm or Google Pay
- We may request for information/documents to verify your credentials before initiating the refund.
- If the payment mode has expired or is no longer valid, we will refund you one of the modes mentioned above.
*Terms & conditions:
- Items that you return should not be used, washed, altered/tampered or soiled. All original packing, labels, tags, leaflets, manuals, warranty/guarantee cards, freebies, accessories such as belts, locks, straps, etc. should be intact. The courier will not accept your item in absence of these.
- Replacements will depend on the availability of the item.
- Refund or replacement will be initiated once we receive your item and pass it through the necessary quality checks.
- The following items are returnable at customer charge: Books, Fragrances, Precious Jewellery & Stones, Rudraksha, Shankh, Sea Snail, Oil & Additives, Fresheners, Perfume, Items sold as sets/combos cannot be exchanged or returned individually.
- In the unlikely event of damaged, defective or different/wrong item delivered to you, Contact us in 24 hours after delivery.
- Customize product and international orders are not returnable.